Tyre 4 Build Ins
Recycled tyre rubber resin-bonded for building insulation systems towards energy efficiency

Participation in the AERoGELS2022 International Conference
On June 30, Prof. Luisa Durães (Co-PI of the Tyre4BuildIns research project) participated in the 2nd International Conference on Aerogels for Biomedical and Environmental Applications (AERoGELS-2022), and presented a communication entitled "Recycled rubber-silica aerogels for thermal insulation of buildings". This communication was presented in Athens, Greece.
Participation in the Hannover Messe 2022 Expo
On May 31, Pedro Fernandes e Silva (MSc research fellow) participated in the Hannover Messe 2022 International Fair (HM2022), and presented a pitch communication entitled "Tyre4BuildIns: Fibre-Reinforced Aerogel Composites from Mixed Silica". This Pitch communication was presented in Hannover, Germany.
Keynote presentation in the CivilMeet2022 International Conference
On May 23, Professor Paulo Santos (PI of the Tyre4BuildIns research project) participated in the International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (CivilMeet2022), and presented a keynote communication entitled "The Research Project Tyre4BuildIns: An Overview and the Main Achieved Outputs". This communication was presented in Munich, Germany.
Participation in the CITE 2022 International Conference
On March 23, Professor Paulo Santos (PI of the Tyre4BuildIns research project) participated in the 7th International Conference on Technological Innovation in Building (CITE 2022), and presented a communication entitled "Performance of Thermal Break Strips in Lightweight Steel Framed Partition Walls". This communication was presented online.
Participation in the Tyre4BuildIns Joint Webinar
On January 12, Professor Paulo Santos (PI of the Tyre4BuildIns research project) participated in the joint webinar, entitled "Sustainable silica based nanomaterials for thermal protection systems", and presented a communication entitled "Tyre4BuildIns - Recycled tyre rubber resin-bonded for building insulation systems towards energy efficiency".
Tyre4BuildIns Joint Webinar
On January 12, occurred a joint webinar from three research projects, namely AeroExtreme, Tyre4BuildIns and NanoFire, entitled "Sustainable silica based nanomaterials for thermal protection systems". During this Webinar several communications were presented, including: from the three PIs of the involved research projects, from three international invited speakers and from five related companies. This Webinar was a success, having a participation of more than one hundred attendants (104).
Participation in XIII CMM national conference
On November 25, Professor Paulo Santos (PI of the Tyre4BuildIns research project) participated in the 13th Conference on Steel and Composite Construction - XIII CMM, where it was presented a communication, within the scope of the Tyre4BuildIns, entitled "Desempenho de Tiras de Corte Térmico em Paredes com Estrutura Metálica Leve". This meeting occurred online.
Participation in ICoWEFS 2021 International Conference
On May 11, Professor Paulo Santos (PI of the Tyre4BuildIns research project) and Telmo Ribeiro (Research Fellow) participated in the 1st International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2021), and presented a communication within the scope of Tyre4BuildIns research project. This presentation was entitled "Performance of Thermal Break Strips in Lightweight Steel Framed Walls". This meeting occurred online, via Zoom platform.
Participation in ECCS-TC14 meeting
On April 21, Professor Paulo Santos (PI of the Tyre4BuildIns research project) participated in the 20th meeting of the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS), Technical Committee 14 (TC14 - Sustainability & Eco-Efficiency of Steel Construction) and presented a communication within the scope of Tyre4BuildIns research project. This presentation was entitled "Thermal Break Strips in Lightweight Steel Framed Walls to Improve Energy Efficiency and Sustainability". This meeting occurred online, via Zoom platform.
Participation in the BEST Green Day'21 workshop
On February 16, Professor Paulo Santos (PI of the Tyre4BuildIns research project) participated in the 2021 BEST Green Day workshop and presented a communication entitled "Tyre4BuildIns - Borracha reciclada de pneus colada com resinas para sistemas de isolamento de edifícios eficientes energeticamente". This event occurred online in the University of Coimbra (PT).
Participation in ISWEE 2020 International Symposium
On December 7, Victor Lohmann (a former Master student in University of Coimbra) participated in the 2020 International Symposium on Water, Ecology and Environment (ISWEE 2020) and presented a communication within the scope of Tyre4BuildIns research project. This presentation was entitled "Trombe Wall Thermal Behavior and Energy Efficiency of a Light Steel Frame Compartment: Experimental and Numerical Assessments". This meeting occurred in Beijing (CN) and the communication was presented in a pre-recorded video.
Participation in ECCS-TC14 meeting
On November 27, Professor Paulo Santos (PI of the Tyre4BuildIns research project) participated in the 19th meeting of the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS), Technical Committee 14 (TC14 - Sustainability & Eco-Efficiency of Steel Construction) and presented a communication within the scope of Tyre4BuildIns research project. This presentation was entitled "Assessment of Thermal Behavior and Energy Efficiency of a LSF Compartment Containing a Solar Steel-Water Trombe Wall". This meeting occurred online, via Zoom platform.
Participation in Acústica 2020 Iberian Congress
On October 21, Professor Andreia Pereira (researcher of the Tyre4BuildIns project) participated in the XI Iberian Congress of Acoustics (Acústica 2020) and presented a communication within the scope of Tyre4BuildIns research project. This presentation was entitled "Avaliação do Desempenho Acústico de Reciclados de Borracha para Aumentar o Isolamento Acústico". This meeting occurred online and the communication was presented in a pre-recorded video.
New MSc researcher in Civil Engineering
On September 1, Telmo Ribeiro (MSc research fellow) started officially their collaboration with the Tyre4BuildIns research project in the Civil Engineering Department of University of Coimbra, PT.
New MSc researcher in Chemical Engineering
On May 18, Alyne Lamy (MSc researcher of the project) started officially their collaboration with the Tyre4BuildIns research project in the Chemical Engineering Department of University of Coimbra, PT.
Participation in Facades19 international conference
On Novenber 22, Professor Paulo Santos (PI of the Tyre4BuildIns research project) participated in the international conference Facades19 organized by the EFN - European Facades Network and presented a comunication, within the scope of the Tyre4BuildIns, entitled "A Parametric Study on Thermal Transmittance of External Facade Lightweight Steel Framed (LSF) Walls". This meeting occurred in Caparica, Almada, PT.
Participation in XII CMM national conference
On November 21, Professor Paulo Santos (PI of the Tyre4BuildIns research project) and Gabriela Lemes (MSc research fellow) participated in the 12th Conference on Steel and Composite Construction - XII CMM, where Gabriela presented a communication, within the scope of the Tyre4BuildIns, entitled "Desempenho Térmico de Paredes Interiores em Light Steel Frame (LSF): Estudo Paramétrico". This meeting occurred in Coimbra, PT.
Participation in EfS2019 international conference
On July 24, Professor Paulo Santos (PI of the Tyre4BuildIns research project) participated in the 4th Energy for sustainability International Conference - EfS2019 and presented a communication entitled "Kick-off presentation of the project “Tyre4BuildIns” – Recycled tyre rubber resin-bonded for building insulation systems towards energy efficiency". This meeting occurred in Turim, IT.
Participation in ECCS-TC14 meeting
On May 16, Professor Paulo Santos (PI of the Tyre4BuildIns research project) participated in the 17th meeting of the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS), Technical Committee 14 (TC14 - Sustainability & Eco-Efficiency of Steel Construction) and presented the Tyre4BuildIns research project. This presentation was entitled "The research project Tyre4BuildIns and its contribution for sustainability and eco-efficiency of steel construction". This meeting occurred in Luxembourg city, LU.
Participation in CINCOS'18 conference
On December 7, Professor Paulo Santos (PI of the Tyre4BuildIns research project) was invited as speaker in the Circular Economy Panel and presented this research project in the CINCOS'18 conference, occurred in Aveiro, PT.
Kick-off meeting
On September 14, the first meeting of the project Tyre4BuildIns took place at the Department of Civil Engineering.
Eight researchers participated in this meeting, where several issues related with the project development were discussed.
Webpage of the project is now available
On July 26, the webpage of the project Tyre4BuildIns become available online at:
​​The contents of this webpage will be continuously updated with new information and developments of the research project.
Email address of the project is now available
On July 26, the e-mail address of the project Tyre4BuildIns is now available:
Start date of the project Tyre4BuildIns
On July 26, the project Tyre4BuildIns - Recycled tyre rubber resin-bonded for building insulation systems towards energy efficiency - officially started.